martes, julio 07, 2009


Gracias por toda la alegría y gozo que trajiste al mundo y por haberme ayudado a aligerar la carga en mi paso por este plano terrenal...

Tears and Tributes at Jackson Memorial
Jackson's Daughter Gives Heart-Wrenching Farewell to the King of Pop
PopEater / Wire Services
posted: 55 MINUTES AGO

Michael Jackson's star-studded memorial at the Staples Center had many moments of emotion, including a tear-filled message from his 11-year-old daughter Paris in the closing moments of the ceremony.
"I just wanted to say, ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine! I just wanted to say I love him so much," a crying Paris said before diving into Janet Jackson's arms.

No puede haber un ojo sin llanto después de ver y oír a la hija de Michael Jackson, Paris, despidiéndose de su papi

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